“When do we get our flying cars?”

People ask all the time,
“Where’s our flying cars?”

Oh, yes - we get it.
The Jetsons. Back to The Future.

Land Rotor has a remarkable product that people want today.
The demand is here.

See our news article in FLYING Magazine Click Here.

But it takes time (years) to achieve FAA certifications, training, and put together all the infrastructure needed to mass-produce such a product. Our proof-of-concept prototype seen below took years to develop, and we still have a ways to go before we sell them.
But we ARE getting closer each day.

Two of the greatest challenges in this space are batteries and FAA policies.
At Land Rotor, our indoor business model completely eliminates the need for both of these.

Our indoor business model is purely focused on providing experiences for people, by using electric air mobility that simply plugs into the wall. And because our indoor systems will be safely tethered to the floor, and all moving parts securely covered, this provides the best go to market strategy for Land Rotor as a viable economic industry solution.

What’s more, we are driving the new Air Mobility for consumer markets to learn and have fun in the process. At Land Rotor, we are building excitement with consumer confidence in future transportation technologies.

“Jump on board a Land Rotor”